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William Janesh

Astronomy PhD student


2013-17 Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, Astronomy PhD (advisor: Katherine Rhode; expected 2018)

2011-13 Kent State University, Kent, OH, MS Library and Information Science

2007-11 Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, BS Astronomy


2014-17 Research Assistant, Indiana University Department of Astronomy. Duties: development of data reduction processes and software tools related to optical images from the WIYN telescope for multiple projects; data analysis of final science products.

Summer 2016 Instructor, Indiana University. Duties: conduct daily lectures for a 6-week section of a 100-level stars and galaxies course; development of syllabus, lecture slides, assignments, quizzes, and exams; weekly office hours.

Fall 2015 Outreach Coordinator, Indiana University Department of Astronomy. Duties: manage weekly observatory public open houses; coordinate private outreach events; development and presentation of astronomy-related events for annual ScienceFest event.

2013-14 Associate Instructor, Indiana University Department of Astronomy. Duties: assist in administrative tasks for course, including attendance and grading; conduct review sessions; weekly office hours; lectures to full class when necessary.

2010-13 Research Assistant, Case Western Reserve University Department of Astronomy. Duties: in-depth analysis of data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey; development of statistical techniques and software tools for analysis.

Refereed Publications

Janesh, W., Rhode, K. L., Salzer, J. J., et al. 2017, Detection of an Optical Counterpart to the ALFALFA Ultra-compact High-velocity Cloud AGC 249525, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 837, L16

Janesh, W., Morrison, H. L., Ma, Z., et al. 2016, The SEGUE K Giant Survey. III. Quantifying Galactic Halo Substructure, Astrophysical Journal, 816, 80

Janesh, W., Rhode, K. L., Salzer, J. J., et al. 2015, Searching for Optical Counterparts to Ultra-compact High Velocity Clouds: Possible Detection of a Counterpart to AGC 198606, Astrophysical Journal, 811, 35

Xue, X.-X., Rix, H.-W., Ma, Z., et al. 2015, The Radial Profile and Flattening of the Milky Way’s Stellar Halo to 80 kpc from the SEGUE K-giant Survey, Astrophysical Journal, 809, 144

Adams, E. A. K., Cannon, J. M., Rhode, K. L., et al. 2015, AGC 226067: A possible interacting low-mass system, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 580, A134

Janowiecki, S., Leisman, L., Jòzsa, G., et al. 2015, (Almost) Dark HI Sources in the ALFALFA Survey: The Intriguing Case of HI1232+20, Astrophysical Journal, 801, 96

Adams, E. A. K., Faerman, Y., Janesh, W. F., et al. 2015, AGC198606: A gas-bearing dark matter minihalo?, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 573, L3

Posters and Presentations

April 2016 STScI Spring Symposium, Baltimore, MD. Poster. “The Possible New Local Group Member AGC 198606 (Friend of Leo T) and the Search for Optical Counterparts to ALFALFA-Detected UCHVCs”.

w/ Katherine Rhode, John Salzer, Steven Janowiecki, Elizabeth Adams, Martha Haynes, Riccardo Giovanelli, John Cannon & Ricardo Muñoz.

January 2015 225th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Seattle, WA. Poster. “Searching for Stellar Counterparts to ALFALFA Ultra- Compact High Velocity Clouds with WIYN / pODI”

w/ Katherine Rhode, John Salzer, Steven Janowiecki, Elizabeth Adams, Martha Haynes, Riccardo Giovanelli, John Cannon & Ricardo Muñoz.

August 2011 SDSS-III Collaboration Meeting, Nashville, TN. Presentation. “New Pieces of the Sagittarius Tidal Stream”.

w/ Heather Morrison, Zhibo Ma, Paul Harding, Connie Rockosi & Jennifer Johnson.

March 2011 SEGUE Collaboration Meeting, Columbus, OH. Presentation. “Metallicity Distribution of the Sagittarius Streams”.

w/ Heather Morrison, Zhibo Ma, Paul Harding, Connie Rockosi & Jennifer Johnson.

Observing Experience

26 nights Wisconsin-Indiana-Yale-NOAO (WIYN) 3.5m telescope, Kitt Peak National Observatory. One Degree Imager. April 2014, October 2014, October 2015, April 2016, October 2016.

Technical skills


Available on request.